Updated on Jul, 15th, 2024.


My blog was scheduled to open in January 2023, but finally opened lately in March. It took time to make it more better than the prior blog. This blog was created to record my various activities. It focuses on posting about various projects, and studies.

Blog Overview

This blog is a technology blog. I introduce my ideas about computational engineering, especially areas of interest such as optimization, metaheuristics, simulation, and natural language processing. I also record all the activities I participate in.

Blog Categories


On the blog, I upload my news and things related to this page. Articles about my job, position, report writing, and paper submission are posted.


I upload all papers in which I participated as an author. I haven’t published a journal paper yet, but I am aiming to do.


All projects, studies and reports related to my research interests are uploaded. It is also a base for submitting papers.

In these days, I am interested in optimization problems, especially

  • Reinforcement learning-based combinatorial optimization problem solving methodology.
  • Various metaheuristic algorithms for numerical optimization.
  • Natural Language Processing for applying various deep learning methodologies.
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo Based Search Strategy.

The goal of the study is to break records on various benchmarks such as Single Objective Bound Constrained Optimization, Travel Salesman Problem, Graph Coloring, Maximum Cut, Bin Packing Problem, etc.


I upload projects outside of my research interests. There are cases where it is in the Project item and then moved to suit the level. There are so many different projects uploaded.


This page is where I organize the papers I have read. Although there is no review of the content of the paper, there are indicators that may be helpful in studying the field, such as difficulty, recommendation, prerequisites.

Personal Research

Below is my main achievements.

  • Development of Range Limitation technique applicable to metaheuristic algorithm.
  • State-Of-The-Art benchmark on SST-5 classification tasks with distance loss function.
  • 112 Report data classification task model development.