
Personal materials and papers for study

Rating Standard

    • Undergraduate level
    • No problem even if you read it right away.
  • ★★
    • The level of a person who has diligently mastered undergraduate courses.
    • A paper that can be understood through a little study or survey.
  • ★★★
    • Papers that require a significant level of knowledge and are difficult to read right away.
  • ★★★★
    • A level that can only be learned by studying the field in depth.
    • Must have some understanding of the latest research trends.
  • ★★★★★
    • Must understand all the latest research trends in related fields.

    • Applying existing methodologies to other problems.
    • It's not that important, but it doesn't hurt to know.
  • ★★
    • A paper that is not very related to the field but is good to read.
    • Papers with good results in one field.
  • ★★★
    • Good paper to read to broaden your views.
    • Papers you must read to study the field in depth.
  • ★★★★
    • A methodology that is the basis of a field.
  • ★★★★★
    • Papers that MUST be read for related fields.
    • Presenting a new and original paradigm that did not exist before.
    • Proposes creative and excellent solutions.