
My blog was scheduled to open in January 2023, but finally opened lately in March. It took time to make it more better than the prior blog. This blog was created to record my various activities. It focuses on posting about various projects, and studies.

Blog Overview

The followings are plan for this posts.

  • Daily life related to my career.
  • Notices.
  • My varoius thoughts.

Playground Overview

Whatever topics that I want are posted here. Go to Page

  • Simulation Modeling and Optimization can be dealt with.
  • In particular, I am currently studying natural language processing.
  • Making Project whatever that I want with anything!
  • Small Projects that have nothing to do with my day job come up.
  • Recently, I focus to analize data related to formula1. Go to Page

Study Overview

I upload things that I currently or previously studied. It focuses on organizing content and reviewing some papers. Go to Page